Sunday, August 8, 2010

What the blog?

In recent reading of men I greatly respect, I have come to the conclusion that I must blog. Not only does the man whom my dog is named after (John Piper) practically command it, but but many great thinkers throughout history have taken to the pen or keyboard and recorded insights and reflections, joys and sorrows, nuggets of gold and nuggets of... well you get the picture. The more biographies I read, the more I see the example of journaling, writing, and reflecting on thoughts. Jonathan Edwards kept "miscellanies notebooks" throughout his entire lifetime which he filled with rich words. I have multiple "miscellanies notebooks" in the form of sticky notes, yellow pads, napkins, and pieces of paper which end up in the washing machine or worse (John Piper-the dog). In starting this blog my desire is to see those pregnant sticky notes give birth to many fruitful posts. Alive Together with Christ will hopefully be a hub for those ideas to not only gather, but be unpacked. If I don't hold myself to this discipline of expounding, then many of those yellow pads will end up in a pile in my backyard that I scoop and shovel over the fence. I don't guarantee the most profound of thoughts (some posts may be worth shoveling over the fence), but I do hope to encourage, stimulate, and promote biblical thinking in all avenues of life. Enjoy!

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